Monday, August 23, 2010

Dribbling Skills (Beginner)

Basketball can be really hard for some people and some will find it easy. Youth basketball is where is starts then comes the pros. I am here to coach basketball with these simple drills.

Dribbling is one of the most important part of playing basketball. Ounce you have learned dribbling you will have no problem with anything else

Things you will need :       
  • Basketball
  • Chair
  • Tennis ball
  • Partner                                                                                                                                  

It can be fairly hard to find ways on practicing you dribbling so here are some drills you can work on.

1. Stretch. Stretching is very important for first timers because they are trying something new and your body won't be used to it. Even if you are not a beginner you still have to stretch so you dont pull anything

2. Dribble with you strongest hand without moving for about 50 bounces. Ounce you completed your 50 switch hands. If you are just starting out it can be really hard with you bad hand so just keep practicing.
Advanced  ( Ounce you think you got a hang of it try dribbling them without looking at the balls)

3. Next start dribbling with 2 balls at the same time. Try making them even and bounce them at the same time

4. After you have mastered the first 2 step try doing crossovers. Crossovers is basically switching hands with the ball. Grab a chair and place is about 2ft in front of you. Grab a ball and dribble with your better hand. Dribble for about 3 seconds and do a crossover (Switch the ball with your other hand.) Ounce your cross over the ball should be on your opposite hand. When you have mastered it do the cross over but run past the chair and do a layup.

5. Practice your lows and highs. Try dribbling up to your chest for 2minutes. When time is up don't stop but bring the ball lower and dribble as low as it can bounce for about 1 minute. It can be a bit hard so you can try 1 minute high 30 seconds low. Ounce you finish with the first hand switch to your next.
                     Tip.(Try adding a minute for each cycle you do)

6. Grab a partner and stand about 10ft away. Grab 1 ball and 1 tennis ball. Start dribbling with your bad hand at about thighs hight. Ounce you are ready throw the ball to you partner ounce he catches it he will throw it to you either up in the air, straight to you, or just rolls it to the ground. This is a hard drill it focuses on control and balance.

Ounce you've mastered these step you will be ready for my advances Program coming soon next we will focus on Layups so click on my next post. These basketball drills will get harder and harder to watch out!

Learn to shoot

Shooting can be difficult for most people but it doesn't have to be the most important part of basketball.

Things you will need:

  • Basketball
  • Partner

1.Learn to shoot:

  1. Half-bent your knees before shooting a basketball for more potential power
  2. Your dominant hand should have its fingers spread out
  3. Only the fingertips should be gripping onto the ball
  4. Your other hand should support the ball on the side
  5. The ball should be brought above the head in one motion
  6. At this point, the angles at your armpit, elbow, and wrist is  at 90 degrees
  7. While extending your knees, extend your forearm and snap your wrist
  8. Make sure you follow through with your wrist movement.   If it feels natural to jump upon release, do so.

2. Our first drill will be fairly easy just stand where you do a layup but instead of doing a layup just shoot no need to jump. Practice on your flicking motion so you get that backspin.

3. Free throws. Free throws is almost the most important factor of shooting because if you do a layup and get fouled you will be able to get 2 free points. Do about 25 made free throws in a row before moving to the next step.

4. Quick release. Grab your partner and have him pass you the ball. Ounce you catch the ball immediately shoot the ball.

5. 3 pointers. Go to the 3 point line and shoot around so you can get a feel on how much power you need. Bending your legs will help a lot. Make 15 but you dont have to make them in a row.

6. Around the world. Around the world is a game I play that helps on your shooting.Watch this video . Ounce you finish the video you go to the 3 pointer line and to it again

Layup drills (Beginner)

Lay ups is the most important step of becoming an amazing basketball player. Layups will prove your toughness and your accuracy. What I mean by accuracy is if you are on a break away and you are going to fast you will probably lose control hit the glass but miss the target.

Things you will need:
  • Basketball
  • Partner
  • optional (weights) 

1. Optional task not for beginner. I would advise you start to lift weights because you will need to have a big body to be able to be stronger than your opponent to make a successful layup each time. If you are a beginner you should start off with smaller weights and when you get stronger lift more each week.

2. Grab a basketball and stand in one side of the basketball hoop and do 100 layups. If you are in the left side of the hoop do left handed layups and if your in the right side use your right hand. When doing your layup left one of your knees up. So if your jumping with your in the left side you lift up your left knee while shooting and when your on the right side lift up your right knee.

3. Go to the other side of the gym and sprint to the basket as fast as you can while dribbling. When you reach the net make your layup of you miss do 10 push ups. This will help you on your touch because if your going to fast you tend to put more power to your layup

4.  Grab a partner and tell him to defend you. You can only do layups because it's a layup drill which will be harder than just shooting all the time. If your partner is to strong then you will know that you will have to bulk up to beat him.

Ounce you master all four steps you will be ready for my layup drills advance. Next we will be learning how to shoot for beggingers so click on my next post.